Looking for the Kingdom

Looking for the Kingdom


We can learn a lot from minor characters in the Bible.  As I was reading Luke 23 this morning, I zeroed in on something I had not thought about before – the important role of Joseph of Arimethea in the burial of Jesus.  All four gospels mention Joseph and he is described in Matthew as “a rich man and a disciple of Jesus.” The Bible says in Luke 24 that Joseph was a “good and righteous man,” and again in Mark 15 that he was “a respected member of the council.”  In both passages, it says that he was “looking for the Kingdom of God.”

Whatever he had been looking for, He obviously believed he had found in the person of Jesus Christ.  Who knows if he had perhaps heard rumblings of a resurrection story yet to come, or maybe he just wanted to give this Great Teacher a proper burial.  Whatever the reason, he took action.  Mark 15 goes on to say Joseph “…took courage and went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.”  He asked for the body in order to bury Jesus in his own tomb.  He took action that required some boldness, as he played his role in the greatest story ever told.  He did not sit around and wait for someone else to act, but no doubt asked himself, “What can I do?”

What about us?  Are we “looking for the Kingdom?”  Are we asking, “What can I do?” Are we willing to take bold action, to play our part, to participate in His plan?  In our churches, our families, our communities, I pray we “take courage” and take on the hard things. May we live boldly, love deeply, and follow faithfully, all for His Kingdom’s cause.


Written by: Michelle Dowdy